52 Different Stinking (and Biting) Mosquitoes!

Have you ever wondered how many different species of mosquitoes there are in Massachusetts? You’re not alone. 

In fact mosquitoes are some of the most diverse insects in the world. There are over 3000 different types of mosquito species identified globally and more than 150 species found in North America, including 52 in Massachusetts (YIKES!). 

In Massachusetts, mosquito species have their own unique characteristics and habitat preferences. These species range from early spring pests like Ochlerotatus abserratus to summer pests like Ochlerotatus sollicitans, with some being potential vectors for diseases such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) and heartworm. Mosquito-borne diseases in Massachusetts can be rare but still present a risk, particularly from species believed to transmit EEE, which can be found in suburban and rural areas of eastern Massachusetts (Essex County, Suffolks County, Cape Cod and the Islands).

Some of the common mosquito species in Massachusetts include Ochlerotatus and Aedes Vexans (real jerks in my humble opinion), each with specific breeding habitats and biting behaviors. Additionally, species like Culex pipiens and Culex restuans are year-round mosquitoes that are potential vectors for diseases like West Nile Virus. Understanding the behavior and habitat preferences of different mosquito species is essential for effective pest management and disease prevention efforts in the region. 

As we enter mosquito season, take time to examine your property for potential areas that can foster mosquito infestations. May you have the best spring, summer and fall without the buzz buzz of mosquitoes!


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