AI Lasers Attached to Farming Equipment -

What is the future of pest control in world farming? And can we reduce the use of pesticides that not only impact the ecosystem but have negative health effects on workers as well as food consumers? 

In 2021, Carbon Robotics introduced its third-generation Autonomous Weeder, a farming robot equipped with high-power lasers to identify and eliminate weeds without harming soil or water. Building upon this technology, the company has now developed the LaserWeeder, a pull-behind version that can eliminate twice as many weeds per hour. Weeds pose a significant challenge to farmers, competing with crops for space, sunlight, and nutrients while also attracting insect pests. 

Chemical herbicides have drawbacks such as water contamination, and manual weeding is extremely labor-intensive. The Autonomous Weeder operates autonomously, scanning the ground with cameras and using AI to identify and destroy weeds with carbon dioxide lasers, eliminating over 100,000 weeds per hour. The new LaserWeeder, although not autonomous, boasts three times the lasers of its predecessor and can cover two acres in one hour, significantly reducing labor and chemical costs for farmers. Carbon Robotics has already sold out of its 2022 units and is accepting pre-orders for 2023, with growers experiencing an 80% reduction in weeding costs and quick returns on their investments. 

New and emerging technologies that tackle pest control are not ‘right around the corner’, but they are here and here to stay. A much needed welcome to our Earth's ecology.


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